Progressive alleviation of poverty in Pakistan
Progressive alleviation of poverty in Pakistan Pakistan is a rich country in terms of natural resources which includes energy resources (like coal and gas), minerals and agriculture. In spite of these vital resources, we are still lacking behind. Those countries that got freedom after 1947 are included in the developing or developed countries like China and Bangladesh, but we are still to register ourselves in that list. The main cause of this is poverty which is the root cause of many problems. Every government who take over the leadership of this country have taken some effective actions but due to the loopholes in ineffective policies, new construction projects and bureaucracy, the progress of poverty alleviation has been disturbed severely. Despite these issues, Pakistan has made notable advancement in dipping poverty. In recent previous years, governments have launched different schemes for the betterment of the common people like Benazir Income Support Programme, Tamer-e-Watan Programme, Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal and welfares also are taking part to decrease the poverty in Pakistan. According to the independent observers and analysts, these initiatives are not enough as these schemes gave benefits to the small percentage of the people. Although many strides have been done, different schemes, new projects and different policies implemented but millions of Pakistanis are still living in deprived conditions and many are vulnerable. However, bad days never stay long enough. Pakistan has the potential to emerge as a strong developing country in the coming decades. Progressive alleviation of poverty in Pakistan essay is the authority of, If you need to get complete essay on this topic or any other please contact us via Email: or Contact Number: 0313 6363496 for Whatsapp: 0346 319 6313